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Speaking about cultural differences I noticed between Ukraine and Western Europe , I guess I can’t satisfy with my answer neither of 2 sides ( and we can still talk about polarized sides without any doubt). Remembering the environment I lived in Ukraine, I usually call it “the society of Odesa’s moralité”. What I put into it? A society of hypocrisy and perversion of the modern and eternal values. Some typical product of it will say now: no it’s westerns who pervert everything , they have no family values, they will all soon be gay and black and muslin. Well, let’s just take a look. Our society is there everyone is talking behind people’s back, at some point always putting on a mask of “it’s bad to discuss people”.  It’s there people are laughing at the couples who got married being 18 , and than they themselves get married at 20-22 and think there is big difference and it’s not laughable. It’s a society of perverted feminism, were the in 21t century on a national level a

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