Speaking about cultural differences I noticed between Ukraine and Western Europe , I guess I can’t satisfy with my answer neither of 2 sides ( and we can still talk about polarized sides without any doubt).
Remembering the environment I lived in Ukraine, I usually call it “the society of Odesa’s moralité”. What I put into it? A society of hypocrisy and perversion of the modern and eternal values. Some typical product of it will say now: no it’s westerns who pervert everything , they have no family values, they will all soon be gay and black and muslin.
Well, let’s just take a look.
Our society is there everyone is talking behind people’s back, at some point always putting on a mask of “it’s bad to discuss people”. 
It’s there people are laughing at the couples who got married being 18 , and than they themselves get married at 20-22 and think there is big difference and it’s not laughable.

It’s a society of perverted feminism, were the in 21t century on a national level a lot of girls and women call themselves feminists, while not working, but saying that they are feminists because it was their choice and they can go to work any day and the money they will earn, it’s their money, and the money their husbands earn is “commun” money, or better, also just their feminists' money. 

I think in this society, I am considered rather crazy or a loser for splitting all the bills in half with my boyfriend. I have to know better how to milk a man!
And of course, what a shame to be in couple with a person of your age, like a kindergarten. “If a man is not 3-5-10 years older, you have nothing to talk about, you are so much ahead mentally.”

It’s a society of perverted meritocracy, where every person consider him/herself special and unique and, of course, decent to become a billionaire, possessing no talent, nor entrepreneur skills, but considering the middle class a shot for mediocre losers not like themselves. And then, by 30 they get frustrated and angry, and of course it’s the government that hasn’t let them fulfil with their potential! So they start voting for any new populist creature on the scene for fun and maybe to still have somebody to be angry with .

Not to forget. The democracy in our society is also perverted. Our socialism was perverted and our democracy is the same. The people know about their right to vote, and their votes really count, but they nevermind the responsibility their vote enrolls. They don’t know the program they are supporting, they don’t think about the consequences.They are voting for faces and  good advertisements. 

The party system, on the other hand, is broken itself, because parties don’t reflect any ideology, they are built around faces and act situationally depending on their benefit (here I shall state my position that in 2014-2018 it began to change , but as the people of Ukraine is a pitiful mixture of many generations traumatised by Soviet terror and propaganda, intentionally mixed with Russians, and with its best people being murdered periodically on the scale of 70 years (and even more taking into consideration the Empire times). Ukraine, gained its independence, but in major part, this soviet parents have grown a generation of slave-thinking children like themselves, so this demographic abyss is understandable and tragic. I tend to use “postsoviet” term a lot, but to be honest statistically it is more of a fiction. The Soviet Union has never ever gone from this lands, but for the Maidan times.)

Thus, as a consequence to the previous statement we have a perverted patriotism. The people don’t really care for this land, they don’t need its traditions, language and history. They don’t need it’s future, they need the profit of it. But any dog in Ukraine, well except for the “Opositional” openly pro-Russian electorat and those who don’t give a shit of the country’s existence, will say you they are super Ukrainian patriots. Of course, I am sorry for the truly patriotic strata of volunteers and commun people who have no doubts about who is the real enemy in this real war we lead for centuries and not just for 6 years. But there are so few of them left.

Well, that about westerns ? The Spanish , French, Germans, Italians...Actually, I like them, at least some of them. 
However, they are also quiet hypocrites, but in the other way. 
The directness is considered an unhealthy rudeness. I never though I am too direct kind of a person, I bet I am. You can’t say anything to a person that disturbs or impedes you even if it’s your close friend. You have to endure it, only not to offend anyone or find a tricky way of explaining it, blaming only yourself of course, because it’s you, not tolerant and patient enough. 

Also , I hate thier “team work everywhere” with horizontal management democracy in groups with a leading collective irresponsibility, so that it even makes me appreciate that Ukrainian “too vertically subordinate style”. Actually, this society imitates a lot the worse things of American job lifestyle: a lot of coffee, work till 9 in the evening and at home , open commun workspaces and, all in all, a lot of extrovert-orientation in everything. Well, I speak for France here.

Speaking about tolerance, that’s funny, because black people are super discriminating about Asians and French really don’t like any kind of foreigners. The Ukrainians here are just Russian with no extra steps ( to be honest we deserve this lack of recognition), they will never memorise, no matter how many times you say otherwise (my professor for example). Italians and Spanish make fun of each other and everyone is a bit condescending even to the Polish and Bolgarians. Lesbians make fun of gays, and vice-versa. Germans who let the biggest number of refugees in Europe have the most difficult working visa procedures.
This melting pot is everything, but tolerant and sincere.

So, finally, I can’t say who is better or worse, we are all not really cool, tbh. The perfect society is an utopia. Or is it?


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