A little memorable adventure

It  was a fresh summer morning,about 7 years ago,when I together with my father got up early on the dawn. We collected our bags and equipment,which consist of some necessities as a food and some cloths,besides there was a tent,sleeping bags ,hunting gun and a little present for a dog of a fathers friend,whose guests we were going to be.
 He was charismatic extraordinary man,although really dilapidated and mussy . He had blowzy frosty hair and a stubble,and eyes ,which were like a two oceans of loneliness . However ,he was very clever and could tell a lot of interesting,funny and even cognitive,but the way of his speech,behavior, and life was hardly comprehensible. He had had a really hard probation in the youth,taking part in Soviet war in Afghanistan. He had survived but after coming back home he was totally mentally destroyed ,and wan't able to continue a normal social life. Because of that,he was leaving alone,on a bank of a river on a Ukrainian-Moldova's border with his loyal dog,which was the only creature he really loved. Due to his location his friends begin to call him "march-man".
He was partly isolated from the whole world from the last to the first frosts,however ,having a lot of friends as a guests from "outside" all the time. We were one of them.
 I couldn't had been understanding his decision to live there,until I spend in that place some time. 
It was wonderful. There is an opinion ,that is no left any  untouched place on the our planet,but maybe, that it was. There was a green row of willows bathing their branches in the gusty torrent and a sweet-smelling blackberry verts. There were mostly no people ,but every corner of this forest was breathing with life.  A few  of boats sometimes dissected the glassy side of the river,and a few of phones could disturb the silence .
 On the sunset we got to the boat and sail to the driftwood. Hidden in the cane we had a successful hunting and got some ducks. Sun was running closer to the horizon ,when we finally decided to return. Father tried to switch on the engine but it didn't show any sign of working. It ran out of petrol. At first,we didn't worry,because we thought we had a spare bottle . But then,after a total search we realized we didn't have any.  We forgot it in the camp.
Twilight was quickly falling on the forest and midnight was ready to hug us with despair. We even began to prepare ourself mentally to sleep right there,when suddenly I saw the light in the middle of a darkness among the trees. It was the light of hope,which appeared to be just the flashlight of our "march-man". When we heard the barking of his dog and understood that we were saved. 
To tell the truth,after this accident I didn't want to go to this place till this year. My infantile conscience had a big challenge and shock. But this august I risked ,and was extremely satisfied . This is one of that rare places which are never touched by time. There our soul and body can find the rest, calm and as we can see,a really memorable adventure .
Heli Copter


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